Arthritis is a common problem among older cats, in fact studies show that greater than 90% of cats over 12 years of age have arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. The symptoms of arthritis can be quite severe, and they can significantly impact a cat’s quality of life. Unfortunately, the vast majority of cats do not speak to us to let us know that they are hurting. It is up to us to interpret their behaviors to figure out if they are affected as some behaviors may indicate that your cat has arthritis. If your cat cannot jump straight up onto a counter and instead looks for an intermediary step, this may be an indication of arthritis. If you have stairs, watch how your cat goes up and down. If they need to stop part way or do not go straight up, this can also indicate signs of pain. There is a useful tool that can be found here which shows short graphics that can help explain what to look for in your own cat. This includes an assessment which is helpful to take on an annual basis to see how your cat’s mobility is changing over time.

Fortunately, there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms of arthritis, and one of the most effective treatments is Solensia which is a novel monoclonal antibody (mAb) injection.

Solensia is a new treatment for feline arthritis that has shown great promise in clinical trials. The treatment is a monoclonal antibody injection that works by targeting and neutralizing a specific protein called Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). This protein is known to play a significant role in the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. By neutralizing NGF, Solensia can effectively reduce inflammation and relieve pain in cats with arthritis.

Here are a few key benefits of using Solensia to treat feline arthritis:

  • Effective pain relief

One of the most significant benefits of using Solensia to treat feline arthritis is its ability to provide effective pain relief. Arthritis can be an incredibly painful condition, and traditional pain medications can have some side effects. Solensia, on the other hand, has been shown to provide significant pain relief without causing any adverse effects.

  • Improved mobility and activity level

Another significant benefit of Solensia is its ability to improve a cat’s mobility and activity level. Arthritis can make it difficult for cats to move around, jump, and play like they used to. Solensia can help reduce inflammation and pain, allowing cats to move more freely and enjoy their favorite activities once again.

  • Long-lasting effects

Solensia is designed to provide long-lasting effects through a single monthly injection. In clinical trials, cats treated with Solensia monthly experienced significant pain relief. This can be incredibly beneficial for both cats and their owners as it means that you are not attempting to medicate your cat daily. 

  • Safe and well-tolerated

Solensia has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in cats. In clinical trials, cats experienced no adverse reactions to the treatment, and there were no significant safety concerns, even cats with underlying kidney disease. This is good news for cat owners who want to provide their pets with effective arthritis treatment without worrying about any negative side effects.

  • Easy to administer

Finally, Solensia is incredibly easy to administer. The treatment is given as an injection, which can be done quickly and easily by a veterinarian. This is a great benefit for cats who may not tolerate other forms of treatment, such as oral medications.

There are a lot of cats that are suffering in silence as they do not have the ability to voice their discomfort. We are excited to be able to offer Solensia as a highly effective and safe treatment for feline arthritis. The treatment provides effective pain relief, improves mobility and activity levels, has long-lasting effects, is safe and well-tolerated, and is easy to administer. If you suspect that your cat may be suffering from arthritis, schedule an appointment with us to determine whether it may be an appropriate treatment option for your pet.